He is without doubt the very best vocal teacher I have ever employed. His style is focused on preserving the integrity of the voice, of training it for performance without damage to the vocal cords. As well as being an incredibly talented artist, he is also a technician and his style of training verges on the scientific. The results of his work with the students of my Academy were inspiring. Mark can nurture any voice and really make the most of it. In addition he happens to be a very gentle natured, kind person with a passion and positivity that imbues his work and seems to be contagious. When I would sit in his classes, it was clear to see that every child, without exception, from the naturally gifted to the shy and inhibited, thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from their time with him. I would, without hesitation, recommend Mark Shields to anyone seeking to make the most of their vocal skills and I can guarantee that not only will you see results but he will also train you to preserve your voice and even to undo some of the damage caused in the past through bad vocal training or habits.” JACQUELINE CHADWICK– Actress from Coronation Street and Founder of The Jacqueline Chadwick Academy of Performing Arts“My name is Jacqueline Chadwick and I am the Founder of The Jacqueline Chadwick Academy of Performing Arts. I had the pleasure of working with Mark Shields when he was a singing teacher at my U.K branches. Having employed a great many singing teachers I had observed a range of techniques and styles of vocal training, but when Mark came along he raised the bar.
If you want a singing coach who is deeply committed to mastering the nuances of excellent teaching and who deeply cares that his students succeed, then Mark is your teacher. If you want a teacher who can put you at ease and communicate clearly with you, then Mark is your teacher. If you want a teacher who is up to date on the most recent science of singing and how that applies to helping you sing your very best, then Mark is your teacher.” LISA HAUPERT – Level 5 Certified Speech Level Singing Teacher and Former Vocal Coach for The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (co-founded by Sir Paul McCartney) “Dedication to the art and science of teaching singing. Those are the first words that come to my mind when I think of Mark. When he came to me more than six years ago to study singing, his passion and commitment were clear from the start.